WRS Employer Notification 3-20-2020

March 20, 2020 

Dear Employers,


The implications of the spread of COVID-19 now reach deep into every corner of our lives, and these are difficult times for all of us. We are all concerned about the health of our family and friends, and we also know that many are burdened by worries about jobs, bills, childcare, and so much more.
We wanted to take a moment to let you know how the Wyoming Retirement System is adapting to this temporary new reality and what you can expect in the days and weeks ahead.
Because there have been some inquiries, we wanted to send an Employer Blast with guidance to employers.
In general, "an hour on waiver is an hour on duty". For example,* school districts that have their staff largely at home -- school is closed and the ability to close the school is a "waiver" of normal state directed minimum education operations to get state funding. The waiver goes thru 17 April -- it may be extended. Some districts may elect to pay staff even if they are unable to work or are working differently. If the district is paying someone to stay home, then staying home is his or her job.
  • An hour on waiver or at home is an hour on duty. Report wages paid and estimated hours commensurate with the wages.
  • If an employer reduces hours, such as to 2/3 hours, employers should report actual hours and actual wages.
  • If employees are laid off, then place them on a Service Break or terminate them in our system. Retirement credit and average salary will be affected (regrettably, but we can't award service credit with no contributions).
  • We will continue to serve you. You can still call Customer Service, send in forms, update your information, and log in to your account. 
  • We will continue to keep you updated. We will continue to share updates with our members via our website.

We don't know when this unwelcome chapter will end. But we know that we already live among those who will help us get through it. In the coming weeks, Wyomingites will look to WRS employers as we find our way through to the other side. We will draw inspiration from the teachers who find innovative ways to continue inspiring their students, from the WYDOT employees who work hard to keep our roads safe for the emergency workers and movement of goods we all rely on, and from the public health professionals working tirelessly to stop the spread of the virus. All of us at WRS thank those and countless others who are at the forefront of this crisis.
WRS Employer Relations

* Correction 04/10/2020



WRS Operational Update 4/7/2020

WRS Operational Initial Update