Board Says Farewell to Longtime Board Member

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Retirement Board Chair Laura Ladd announced her desire to transition from her Chair role prior to her term expiration in March 2021. During the virtual zoom meeting on July 24, 2020, the Board elected current Vice-Chair Tom Chapman as the new Chair and Trustee Eric Nelson as the new Vice-Chair. Trustee Ladd will continue her service on the Board through the
remainder of her term.

Originally appointed by Governor Dave Freudenthal and hailing from Wilson, Wyoming, Ms. Ladd has served on the Board since 2009 and has served as Chair since 2014. She is the longest-running Chair by far and provided leadership to enact important pension reforms following the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. “Laura’s thoughtful and strategic thinking earned the respect of fellow trustees and the Legislature; her service reflects great credit upon herself, the Retirement System and the State of Wyoming,” according to Executive Director Dave Swindell.

Incoming Chair Tom Chapman is well known, having served as both the Vice Chair and the Chair of the Investment Committee. Trustee Eric Nelson returns to the Vice-Chair assignment, having previously served in that position, as well as being Chair of the Legislative and Benefits Committee. Tom hails from Jackson, and Eric resides in Casper.

Trustee Brian Foster retired from state service and needed to resign from the Board. The Board wishes Brian well and welcomes Governor Gordon’s appointment of Paul O’Brien as WRS’ newest Trustee.

The Wyoming Retirement System (WRS) provides a bi-annual newsletter. 

The current edition is for Fall/Winter of 2020 and includes information on:

Click Here to download a PDF Version of the Newsletter