Pension Contribution Rates

The contribution rates for WRS’ pension plans are set in state statute. The WRS Board carefully monitors the funding status of the plans, and makes recommendations to the Legislature if changes are needed based on a periodic actuarial experience study.

Contributions are broken down into “Employer” and “Employee” contribution rates. The Employer Contribution is made by the participating employer on behalf of the represented position. The Employer Contribution is not added to the member’s account balance, and should the member terminate and elect a refund, the employer contributions are not refundable to the individual employee.

The Employee Contribution is paid by the employee, as a reduction in the employee’s monthly paycheck. In many WRS pension plans, employers may elect to “pick-up” some or all of the Employee Contribution as part of total compensation. The Employee Contribution, including any “pick-up” paid by the employer, is added to the member’s account balance and accrues interest at a rate set by the WRS Board. While the account balance is not part of the calculation of a vested member’s future retirement annuity benefit, the account balance is payable to terminating members who elect a refund.

Pension Contribution Rates

Click on each plan to see the historical rates for that plan.
Public Employee Pension Plan – Current Rate 18.62%
 Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 5.57% 3.18% 8.75% 8.87% 17.62%
7/1/2020 to 6/30/2021 5.57%  3.43% 9.00% 9.12% 18.12%
7/1/2021 to 6/30/2026 5.57% 3.68% 9.25% 9.37% 18.62%
7/1/2026 to 6/30/2028 5.57% 3.93% 9.50% 9.62% 19.12%
7/1/2028 to 6/30/2030 5.57% 4.18% 9.75% 9.87% 19.62%
7/1/2030 to future 5.57% 4.24% 9.81% 9.94% 19.75%

*HB0083 (2024 session) provides gradual rate increases if indicated by WRS actuaries. Increases in 2026 are likely; then 2023.

Warden, Patrol, DCI Pension Plan – Current Rate 29.44%
Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
7/1/2017 to 6/30/2024 11.92% 2.64% 14.56% 14.88% 29.44%
7/1/2024 to future per update 15.89% 3.03% 18.92% 14.88% 33.80%

* Employers in this plan may “pick-up” a portion of the employees contribution.

Guard Firefighter Pension Plan – Current Rate 23.77%
 Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
9/1/2010 to present 15.22% 1.43% 16.65% 7.12% 23.77%


Paid Fire B Pension Plan – Current Rate 27.245%
 Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 9.745% 9.745% 13.00% 22.745%
7/1/2020 to 6/30/2021 10.245% 10.245% 14.00% 24.245%
7/1/2021 to 6/30/2022 10.745% 10.745% 15.00% 25.745%
7/1/2022 to tbd 11.245% 11.245% 16.00% 27.245%


Law Enforcement Pension Plan – Current Rate 19.00%
 Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
7/1/2002 to 6/30/2024 8.60% 8.60% 8.60% 17.20%
7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025 8.60% .90% 9.50% 9.50% 19.00%
7/1/2025 to 6/30/2026 8.60% 1.80% 10.40% 10.40% 20.80%
7/1/2026 to future per update 8.60%  2.70% 11.30% 11.30% 22.60%

*8.60% “pickup” of employee contribution is for the State of Wyoming only. Local employers make their own decision

Judicial Pension Plan – Current Rate 23.72%
 Date Employee Paid
By Employer
Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Employee Total Employer Total Contribution
7/1/2008 to 6/30/2024 5.57% 3.65% 9.22% 14.50% 23.72%
7/1/2024 to future per update 7.47% 4.00% 11.47% 14.50% 25.97%


Volunteer Firefighter, EMT Pension & Search and Rescue Plan
Category Date Employee Paid
By Employee
Total Contribution
Volunteer Plan 7/1/2005 to 6/30/2020 $15.00 $15.00
7/1/2020 to Present $18.75 $18.75
Search and Rescue 7/1/2019 to 06/30/2020 $30.00 $30.00
7/1/2020 to Present $37.50 $37.50


Pension Contribution Rates

View upcoming, current, and historical contributions on this rate chart.

Contact WRS Employer Relations

For information about monthly pension contributions and reporting, your organization joining WRS, employer agreements, or other employer questions call

(307) 777-2077