
Mission Statement

The Wyoming Retirement System’s mission is to provide expert administration and responsible investment of Wyoming’s public retirement and supplement savings programs.

Pathways: WRS Winter Newsletter for Active Members

WRS Board

It is the WRS board’s responsibility to develop a return objective and investment strategy that will keep contribution rates reasonably level and adequately fund benefits. Board members are required by law to act in the best financial interest of members.

Investment Team

The WRS Board delegates tactical and implementation decisions, including investment manager selection, to the Chief Investment Officer (CIO), with the approval of the Executive Director.

Pathways: WRS Winter Newsletter for Active Members

Measuring Investment Performance

In order to avoid the temptation to overreact to short term events in the market, the WRS Board generally evaluates investment performance over reasonably long time periods (5 to 10 years). However, the Board also evaluates performance relative to shorter term benchmarks which help to evaluate asset allocation decisions and the staff and investment consultant decisions.