COVID-19 Health Situation Update

WRS Operational Update 4-7-2020

Dear WRS member/retiree,

The implications of the spread of COVID-19 now reach deep into every corner of our lives, and these are difficult times for all of us. We are all concerned about the health of our family and friends, and we also know that many are also burdened by worries about jobs, bills, childcare, and so much more. We wanted to take a moment to let you know how the Wyoming Retirement System is adapting to this temporary new reality and what you can expect in the days and weeks ahead.

  • WRS will continue to operate and benefit recipients will receive their benefit payments. Every month, we send out more than $56 million in retirement benefits to thousands of benefit recipients, most of whom live in Wyoming, and we will continue to pay retirement benefits even though 65% of our staff will be working remotely.
  • We will continue to serve you. You can still call Customer Service, send in forms, update your information, and log in to your account. Additionally, if you are currently retired and still receive your benefit check in the mail, we ask that you consider using direct deposit instead. It’s free and simple to set up. Making this switch will alleviate the need for staff to be in the office, and you don’t need to make a trip to the bank.
  • All in-person services should be made by appointment, where possible. Phone and web-based communication is the preferred method of communication to decrease on-site public traffic.
  • We continue to be a long-term investor. Some members have asked about WRS’s investments and financial health amid the recent global market. We can’t predict what markets do, but we can—and do—incorporate risk into our investment decisions. In any given short-term period, the portfolio may perform better or worse than long-term expectations. However, we are confident that WRS is well-positioned to continue to invest through the ups and downs of the market cycle, providing the opportunity to achieve our long-term goals.
  • We will continue to keep you updated. We will continue to share updates with our members via our website, so you can continue focusing on what matters most to you: your family’s health and safety.


Wyoming Retirement System

April 13, 2020 The CARES Act
March 20, 2020 WRS Update COVID-19
Mach 20, 2020 WRS Employer Notice  COVID-19