Celebrate National Retirement Security Month!

National Retirement Security Month is something to celebrate!
by Empower Retirement

What are your plans for this October? We all know that Halloween falls on the 31st, but maybe you’re looking forward to National Fossil Day on October 16th. Or National Boss’s Day on the 19th.

Need another reason to celebrate in October? How about the fact that it’s also National Retirement Security Month? October is a great time to review your retirement income goals and reassess whether you’re on track for the retirement you want. You can start by taking a fresh look at the following:

  • Contribution level: Are you setting aside enough from each paycheck to build up the income stream you’ll need in retirement?
  • Asset allocation: Do you have the investment mix with the right balance of risk and return potential based on your planned retirement date and risk tolerance?
  • Retirement income sources: Do you have a plan for how your different retirement income sources—such as your current retirement account, IRAs, Social Security benefits, and personal savings—will work together in your retirement years?

Taking steps to keep your retirement on course is the perfect way to celebrate National Retirement Security Month 2022.


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