Press Release: WY Promotes Retirement Security

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 11, 2017  -PDF version-


(CHEYENNE, WY) – The Wyoming Retirement System, bolstered by the support of many of Wyoming’s elected leaders, is using National Retirement Security Week (NRSW) as a platform to inspire individuals to build their retirement security. Senator Mike Enzi again co-sponsored the Senate Resolution establishing NRSW and it recently passed the U.S. Senate. Governor Matt Mead signed a proclamation declaring October 22-28 Wyoming’s “Retirement Security Week.” Wyoming state legislators are also signing on as supporters of the event.

The purpose of NRSW is to promote the importance of saving and planning for retirement and encourage employees to take full advantage of employer-sponsored plans. The Wyoming Retirement System is sponsoring the award-winning Your Whole Story campaign for NRSW. To view the campaign on social media, follow WRS on Facebook.

“The campaign is designed to inspire people to look at their own lives and make a commitment to their retirement,” said Polly Scott, Communications & Deferred Compensation Plan Manager for WRS. “The campaign pieces are simple, but strategically build a person’s confidence in saving and investing for retirement.”

WRS will be conducting an online campaign during the entire week, along with an in-person event on Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 2:00-4:00 in Cheyenne at the Qwest Building Lower Level Auditorium. WRS members will be able to ask questions about their pension or 457 Plan account and make changes. Information about Social Security will be presented at 4:15-5:00 p.m. and this will also be available remotely via streaming.

CONTACT: Polly Scott

Communications and 457 Plan Manager
Phone: (307) 777-3326
Fax: (307) 777-3621

About WRS: WRS administers retirement plans for roughly 42,000 public employees in Wyoming and 29,000 retirees. WRS has approximately $8.3 billion in pension assets and $624 million in 457 plan assets where members are personally saving to supplement their own retirements.
