New Members

Welcome New Member!

As you are starting your new career with a Wyoming Retirement Agency, we would like to provide you with information about the benefits you qualify for. Here, on our website, you can find information such as videos, forms, handbooks, calculators, and log-in guides for the pension and 457 Deferred Compensation portals.

If your employer is a member of the Wyoming Retirement System (WRS), you are automatically enrolled in one of WRS’ pension plans. If you work for a state agency or some non-state agencies, you will automatically be enrolled in the 457 Deferred Compensation program. Most of our non-state agencies are not automatically enrolled in the supplemental savings program. If you wish to enroll, you will have to fill out some simple paperwork. To enroll in the 457 Deferred Compensation program, complete the Enrollment Form (for non-state employees). Submit it to your HR/ payroll representative for completion.

If you would like investment information regarding the 457 Deferred Compensation Program, please click here. On this page, you can find the fund fact sheets link, which will describe each fund’s investment information. You can also select the Fund Performance link and review the Investment Options at a Glance, which will tell you have each fund has performed.

If you have any questions regarding your pension plan, please call (307) 777-1977.

If you have any questions regarding the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, please call (307) 777-3325.

Thank you,

Wyoming Retirement System

Online Pension Account

Access your Online Pension Account to manage beneficiaries, update contact information, view account details, and more!

Pathways: WRS Winter Newsletter for Active Members
Pathways: WRS Winter Newsletter for Active Members

Pension Plan Handbooks

Public Employee Pension Plan

The Public Employee Plan Handbook is for members of the Public Employee Pension Plan, including state agencies, school districts, counties, cities, and other government organizations.

Law Enforcement Pension Plan

The Law Enforcement Handbook is for members of the Law Enforcement Pension Plan,  including county sheriffs, municipal police officers, full-time state park rangers, and investigators of the WY Livestock Board.

457 Deferred Compensation

The 457 Plan Handbook is for members of the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. The State of Wyoming and some non-state employers automatically enroll new hires into the 457 Plan after an opt-out period. 

Judicial Pension Plan

The Judicial Handbook is for members of the Judicial Pension Plan, including circuit court judges, district court judges, and supreme court justices.

Guard Firefighter Pension Plan

The Guard Fire Handbook is for all guard firefighters, members of the Guard Firefighter Pension Plan.

Warden, Patrol, & DCI Pension Plan

The Warden Patrol DCI Handbook is for members of the State Highway Patrol, Game & Fish Warden, and Criminal Investigator Retirement Plan.

Vol Fire, EMT, & SAR Pension Plan

The Vol Fire Handbook is for members of the Volunteer Firefighter, EMT and Search & Rescue Pension Plan. This includes volunteer firefighters, volunteer emergency medical technicians or EMTs, and Volunteer search and rescue personnel.

Firefighter B Pension Plan

The Paid Fire B Handbook is for members of the Firemen’s Pension Reform Act of 1981, a Wyoming Retirement System (WRS) 401(a) pension plan, commonly known as Paid Fire B Pension Plan.

Educational Videos