Latest News
2020 Legislative Recap
2020 Legislative Recap Here is a recap of bills that impacted or potentially impacted WRS. Please...
Educators Go Virtual
WRS Educators’ travel has been limited during the last few months due to Social Distancing and...
The Importance of Beneficiary Designations
Beneficiary Designations Beneficiaries are more than just names on a sheet of paper, it is your...
Message to Our Members
Message to Our Members To the Members of the Wyoming Retirement System,Your pension is safe. The...
Deferred Compensation 457 (B) Update
COVID-19 has one certainty for everyone across Wyoming, we are in unprecedented times. There are...
2020 Spring Summer Newsletter
Read our newsletter... The Wyoming Retirement System (WRS) provides a bi-annual newsletter. The...
May Board Meeting Notice to Interested Parties.
2020 May Board Meeting May 2, 2020 NOTICE TO: Interested PartiesFROM: David Swindell, Executive...
Vol Plan Rate Increase
2020 Rate Adjustment Vol Plan April 14, 2020 During the 2020 Legislative Session, SF 0092,...
CARES Act 2020 April 13, 2020 The CARES Act provides added relief for retirement 457 plan...
Law Enforcement Rate Update
Law Enforcement Rate Update April 8, 2020 I am writing to provide an update regarding the proposed...